
I hold my Masters in Clinical Psychology, with a specialization in Spiritual and Depth Psychology. I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in the state of California (#107831). Guided by life experience, intuition and excellent training, and fueled by an enduring passion for self-discovery and healing, I strive to be receptive and completely present for my clients.  I believe that developing a deeper understanding of the inner self and learning to connect with the wisdom of the body lead to a more satisfying, happy and authentic life, including improved self-esteem, lessened anxiety and better relationships.  

Depending on my client's unique needs, I utilize various types of talk therapy, along with dreamwork, active imagination, somatic practices, energy work, mindfulness, and breath-work to lessen negative symptoms and increase self-awareness. I emphasize the importance of consistent self-care and aim to motivate my clients by assisting them in creating individualized self-care routines that are simple, effective and easy to implement. I believe wholeheartedly that everyone has the capacity to heal given the right tools and nurturing.  

I am committed to my own self-care and dedicated to bringing my best self to my clients. When I am not working, I continue to hone my therapeutic skills and deepen my own process of self-discovery. I am currently pursuing my Jungian Analyst credentials at the C.G Jung Study Center of California.  I consider lived-experience, my own personal struggles and victories, and my continued journey of healing my greatest assets as a therapist.